Monday, January 23, 2012

What's in that box?

TFiOS is holy, there's no arguing. It must be preserved, perfect and pristine and SIGNED.

But I wanted to read it in school. In English class you get bonus points if you're reading when the teacher comes in, so that was one reason, and another was that I just wanted to damn well read it.

So what did I do?

I took the box in which the holy book came in and took it to school with the book in it. The book survived this long in that box with no damage whatsoever, so it was a pretty good place to put it.

However, by second period, people began asking me, "What's in that box?" One girl (incidentally another Shira) told me to take the book out and toss the box. NO, I responded, I WILL NOT. It is HOLY. One girl actually recognized the book (on account of the fact that her sister is reading it - I want to meet this sister!).

Today, because I was looking at the box in class out of boredom, I discovered the more than slight over-cautiousness of Israeli security. There is a note on the package that commands you to remember if you were expecting a package. If not, well, it only says to talk to the people at the post office. No telling what they would do with it. Possibly try to detonate it.

I also discovered a sticker in French that informs me of the fact that my book has been to France and Germany. This would never have happened if I had been back in America! So even though it's later than I would have procured it in America, it's pretty awesome that the book has so far been through three continents.

Cups of tea: 25?

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