Thursday, January 5, 2012


And yes, the title was meant to be spelled that way.
Today I got my braces off and my retainers on. Braces off: good thing. Retainers: bad thing. They hurt like crazy sometimes and when I wear them they give me a lisp. The top one eshpecially makesh me talk like thish.
Basically they feel like someone stuck a giant glob of plastic in my mouth, exactly where it affects my speech. Which is what it is, really. Plastic and metal wires. Ugh.
I was really excited to get the braces off, but the retainers are the worst in the history of all the contraptions I've had in my mouth. That's taking into account my expander, previous braces, lingual arch, and the braces I just got off. I can't imagine having to wear these 24/7. At night, yeah. But in the day? When I have to talk? I already got made fun of multiple times today (you know who you are). Ugh. Retainersh. Ugh. Hate them.

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