Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Drawing and Why It Is Fulfilling Even Though It Is Work

Yes, drawing is work. I am not talking about muscle-tiring work, I am talking about brain work. Drawing something, especially someone, so that it actually looks like that person, is mind-draining work. But, like writing is (sometimes), it is the best kind of mind-draining work. Although I will say, writing is not as mind-draining.

However, after spending about two or three hours of my day on a single drawing, it feels good to get it right. And three hours really isn't much work when you think of how long the Sistine Chapel took. No, I would certainly not like to have been Michelangelo. But this drawing which is currently by my elbow and I am rather proud of - it's great for it to be sort of finished.

Cups of tea: 26

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