Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Israeli Spring of Late January (and a lot about windows)

'Tis the season, the season for spring...even though it's winter?

Today it was sunny (although the clouds have since come back) and quite warm. Exactly like American spring. What month is it again? JANUARY.

But as I was walking home from school, there was an abundance of springy light green and flowers. And just now my mom opened the sliding window that is our living room wall, so we are halfway outside. Here, there is a window, shutters (probably not the kind you're thinking of), and then patterns made out of long strips of metal. It is very permissive of incoming wind and ventilation. Barely anyone has screens. Anything that stops the air flow too much (other than the window itself) is not all that acceptable. We actually have one window that has no glass pane at all, just shutters and the decorative metal.

Above is a picture of a typical large window. You can't really see in this picture whether there is a glass pane or not, and it doesn't have the metal going all the way up, just a short fence-like strip. That's what my grandmother has. Her shutters (the white things that are open in this picture, not the air conditioning) can slide all the way open, so you can be practically outside. Her shutters are open just about from May to September (not slid open, just opened).

That paragraph is very confusing. If you don't get it, never mind. It doesn't matter much.

Cups of tea: 26

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