Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Saying Goodbye, Day Two

Strange things abound when you're the only one in the school to leave mid-year.
It's strange that it's less than a week away. It's strange that there are homework assignments that I don't need to do because I won't be there. It's strange that I'm saying goodbye to some teachers. It's strange that people are excited for me. It's strange that these are the last days I've been anticipating for the past year, preparing and steeling myself.
I could go on and on.
But now I'm on top of things and everything's starting to wind down. I got my ballet teachers presents, I have all my homework done, I went to visit my fifth grade teacher, I'm making a list of emails and giving out my blog address for people who want to know what will be happening. And I need to go by postcards. That's on the to-do list, which thankfully is growing ever shorter.
Everything is coming together so fast. Tomorrow I'm getting my braces off and getting my retainer, which is cutting it quite close and seems like waiting for disaster. But hey, these things have been permanently in my mouth since December 2009 or so. I'm more than happy to get 'em off. It means no more monthly visits to the orthodontist, easier cleaning of teeth, and less limitations in food. I am giving thanks.

I said goodbye to a few teachers today, among them my French, Latin, 5th grade, and one of my favorite ballet teachers. All of them bade me good luck. It feels like I'm off on an adventure, and in fact I am. Here we go on a journey.

Realness Scale: 8

1 comment:

  1. You are so so so lucky to be getting your braces off tomorrow. I, on the other Hand, am getting braces soon and am utterly terrified due to the horror stories about braces my friend told me.
