Saturday, January 7, 2012

Saying Goodbye, Day 5: Part 2

I just said goodbye to my group of school friends. Well, my really good ones.
It's weirder than I thought, thinking about not seeing them in person for the next six months. It feels like I'll be at school on Monday.
The gathering was surprisingly normal while it lasted. Except for the talk of "I'll miss you so much." That wouldn't normally happen. But we did, I guess, what girls are supposed to do - sit around and talk and, in the case of our technology-obsessed group, play around with iPhones and such. It was normal.
Then people started leaving, and we had a prolonged group hug. And then we all went outside and I hadn't put on my shoes so my feet were freezing. I must have hugged each of them at least ten times. One of them started crying, and then I did too. I started laughing. I was laughing and crying and it was all a blur of hugging and talking and waving and then they were all gone. I remember the image of two of them, lit from behind by a streetlight. I don't think I could have photographed this moment. It was too magical, almost, to be captured.
I noticed the stars. The night is clear and the night is bluish-black, the moon bright, the stars twinkling brilliantly. I found Orion through the branches of the oak next to our driveway. It seems mystical, almost, how beautiful the sky is, even through my tears.
They all got into their cars and drove off, waving and waving and waving...

Then they were gone...

1 comment:

  1. Jainika started accelarting when I was waving so I was like waving, waving, HYPERSPACE!!

    Tom turned to jainika when we were hugging and was like "I don't mean to be sexist but you were thirteen once, how long is this going to take?"
