Monday, January 2, 2012


That's the general word to describe this week. But by now it's a good frenzy, not really a bad one.
Packing has officially begun, with the lists being made and suitcases being bought.
Today I went to check out the website of the school I'm going to and frankly, it looks awesome. I will have actual electives, not something that is called an elective but is really only a mandatory subject as it is in my current school. And the school bell schedules are normal, nothing about 8:56 in the morning or 1:01 in the afternoon (no joke, the school schedule used to have a class that ended at 1:01). And recess. Oh, recess. Such a distant luxury.
Speaking of schools, I will be sort of glad in a way to get back into school. It's not that bad when you know it's going to end within four days and you're going to be off somewhere else. I'm looking forward to this week, especially because my English teacher is coming back from a break after surgery. She's a really good teacher (anyone who dresses up as Hermione is considered awesome) and it's so much fun to be in her class. Just for English, I really wish I was staying. That is a class I'm really sad to miss.
I suppose it's about time that I start getting excited, at least some of the time. This is an opportunity, not the end of the world. And I'll be coming back. I suppose by then I'll be sad to come back, to leave somewhere I've been for six months. But we'll see when we get there. For now, there's packing to do and last-minute things to arrange and cupboards and closets to empty. Enough to think about without the rest.
This is the one-week mark. Seven days. And seven's supposed to be a magic number.

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