Saturday, January 14, 2012


Part of my family lives in Haifa. So here we are. My cousins are crowding around the iPad and one of them is trying to press the space bar every time I pause. Another is eating Bamba, an Israeli snack made of peanuts. A third is reading over my shoulder. And now they went to investigate the scissors on the kitchen table. Hmm. They're all under ten. Now the youngest, who is under three, is taking the space bar presser's spot.

It's lots of fun here playing around with my cousins and being with the family up here. We can only come when we have no school, since Haifa is an hour away from home. But it's great being here all the same.

Cups of tea: 11

1 comment:

  1. Aww! How cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee >_< BTW if you ever need a silly pick me up

