Thursday, January 12, 2012


So I haven't gone to school since Friday. I won't be going until Sunday. But today I went to meet the eighth grade guidance counselor at the school. An interesting experience.

For one thing, the school is larger than my old school. Much larger. It starts at seventh grade and goes all the way until high school. I'm used to being the oldest grade in the school. Not so. Now I'm the second youngest. It's strange, really.

The environment is rather different than my old school. Calling out in class is rather acceptable. Last night, my grandmother specifically told me not to be shy at all when talking to the guidance counselor, to really exaggerate. The teachers are friendlier with the students - they have casual conversations with students in the halls, just as you would with a peer - but at the same time they've got authority.

The setup is basically a high school setup. You can choose electives and majors, unlike at my old school, where there were barely any electives, and they were rather limited. This school is supposed to be the most relaxed school in the city, so there are no uniforms except for PE class, in which you have to wear a certain shirt with the name of the school on it. The majors are more diverse than at any other school in the city.

I'm going to be a pack mule these next six months. You take your bag, full of all the books, to every class. You're expected to be prepared for practically anything. They gave me an awesome planner, which I hope I will use - I am notorious for buying planners and then doing nothing with them.

This blog post is rather disconnected. Oh well.

Cups of tea: 5

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