Friday, December 30, 2011


I have come to the conclusion that I am completely and utterly messed-up.
I have two sides. On one hand, I'm that girl who's calling out in class and being loud and laughing and can get hyper on practically anything, including life. But on the other, I'm the pessimistic, depressed, hopeless person. It sounds like two different people, but it isn't. Just me.
Most people don't come in contact as much with the more messed-up side of me. Because out in public I'm not. With other people I'm not. But when I'm alone, especially at night, I get all awful. Gmail chat is where I often am when that happens.
So. For your information. I am messed-up. But you probably knew that already.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, wow, Shira! You sound exactly like me, about the two sides thing. I can be louder than anyone could ever imagine, but I can also be very, I don't know what you'd call it... Perhaps pessimistic like you said. And no, I wouldn't call you messed up.
    Oh and by the way, I'm ice-rain, the owner of the ex-blog, Turn and Wave to Me. (I deleted it because I wasted wasted too much time on it.)
