Tuesday, December 20, 2011


My cello teacher is one of the awesomest people to walk this earth. And not just because she made us homemade lollipops for the holidays. They're all in holiday-themed molds. Currently, I have a butterscotch angel in my mouth and am feeling utterly immature.
Which is exactly it. What is it that classifies things as "mature" and "immature?" Is there an automatic line between them? Because I sure as heck can't see it.
Yes, there's the aspect of making decisions and making the right ones. But what about other stuff, like lollies and skipping and not caring if anyone is watching? Does that classify one as "immature?" Because if it does, I plan to be "immature" for the rest of my life. So what if it's not "cool?" Do I have to pretend to be steely and unfeeling, or disdainful of people who skip and sing and love lollipops and don't care what others think?
What is maturity? I think it's knowing your principles and making good decisions. Forcing yourself into being the opposite of what you really are is not mature. You want to skip down the hall? Fine, as long as you've got a good head on your shoulders. That's all I care about.
That, and this lolly. Yum.

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely right. You put that message into words wonderfully! I don't think I could ever do that. =)

    Could you please follow my blog? turn-and-wave-to-me.blogspot.com
