Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year

So today is February 29th. A special day, you could say. It only comes once every four years, after all.

But doesn't it ever occur to you that each day is just that - a day, be it a Sunday or a Wednesday, in January or in June, or the twenty-ninth of February. They're all the same if you think about it. But being humans as we are, we number and label the days so we can always know what to do with them. We divide time into bundles, so each of us can make use of our own allotted parcel. So maybe it isn't so special that it's be twenty-ninth, and maybe I shouldn't hate Wednesdays so much. They're just days, after all, and it's not poor old Wednesday's fault that it was plonked in the middle of the week when everything is at its busiest and craziest.

In any case, happy February twenty-ninth! And I am dearly sorry for any babies born today...

1 comment:

  1. It saddens me to say that my math teacher's child was born on Feb 29th...
