Sunday, August 12, 2012

Another Survey

1. What time did you get up this morning? 
9:30 am.

2. How do you like your steak?

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
The Dark Knight Rises. Good movie. Very good movie.

4. What is your favorite TV show?

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
Excluding Tel Aviv, where I already lived, London. Or New York (City). Or Paris.

6. What did you have for breakfast?
A fresh sesame bagel and various types of cream cheese. 

7. What is your favorite cuisine?
I don't play food favorites.

8. What foods do you dislike?
I don't love bitter-tasting things. And I don't eat innards, other than tongue. Or duck, because I love ducks as animals.

9. Favorite Place to Eat?
At old friends' houses, because everything tastes good and the people are friendly.

10. Favorite dressing?
I don't think dressings are separate from the salad. So just give me a tasty salad and I'll be happy. 

11.What kind of vehicle do you drive?
At thirteen, do you want me to be driving? 

12. What are your favorite clothes?
In winter, jeans, a shirt, and a sweatshirt. In summer, anything summery.

13. Where would you visit, this weekend, if you had the chance?
London or New York. 

14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?
It's half air and half something else. Deal?

15. Where would you want to retire?
I don't think that far ahead. Damn it, I haven't even started working!

16. Favorite time of day?
First thing in the morning or early evening. 

17. Where were you born?
Boston, MA. 

18. What is your favorite sport to watch?
Gymnastics or swimming. 

19. How many siblings?
One younger brother. 

20. Favorite pastime/hobby?
 YouTube/creating videos, bothering people, ukulele, writing, reading, crafts, and plastic arts.

21. Who are you most curious about their responses to this?
I'm not.

22. Bird watcher?
I would call myself a world-watcher. 

23. Are you a morning person or a night person?
I go either way, as long as I get enough sleep, but I lean towards morning.

24. Do you have any pets?

25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share?
None that I'd like to share. Or, wait - my grandparents are here. And also I'm going to ceramics again this week. And my friend is coming back from camp sometime in the next few weeks.

26. What did you want to be when you were little?
A drummer. 

27. What is your best childhood memory?
I don't play memory favorites, either. And I like to think that my childhood is still going, maybe? I'll share some in other blog posts, I guess. They're too long for a survey.

28. Are you a cat or dog person?

29. Are you married?
I'm thirteen, okay? 
(In case you're still wondering, NO.)

30. Always wear your seat belt?
I do. Except for that one time in New York where the car wasn't big enough for everyone and I sat on someone's lap until a police car went by and then I would lie down. It was very hard to get up again.

31. Been in a car accident?
Yeah, I guess. 

32. Any pet peeves?
People smacking their lips.

33. Favorite Pizza Toppings?
I still don't play food favorites. 

34. Favorite Flower?
Tulip? Lily? I don't know! (I also don't know what some of my favorites are called...) 

35. Favorite ice cream?
Strawberry, peach, mint...I guess anything without peanuts. 

36. Favorite fast food restaurant?
I don't really eat fast food. 

37. How many times did you fail your driver's test?
Like I said. Thirteen years old. No driving.

38. From whom did you get your last email?
Facebook. Of course.

39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
Strand Bookstore or Anthropologie or a store with clothing/bags that I really like.

40. Do anything spontaneous lately?
I ran into a sprinkler. Best choice ever.

41. Like your job?
As a soon-to-be ninth grader? Yeah, I guess. I don't really have a choice. 

42. Broccoli?
Yeah. It tastes good.

43. What was your favorite vacation?
Cape Cod? Italy? San Francisco and Yosemite? Israel?
I guess I don't play vacation favorites either...

44. Last person you went out to dinner with?
My family. It was my mom's birthday. 

45. What are you listening to right now?
The air conditioner.

46. What is your favorite color?
Red or blue. My favorite combo is blue and yellow. 

47. How many tattoos do you have?

48. How many people will fill this out?
I don't know...I stole it from someone...

49. What time did you finish this quiz?
I'm not done yet! But it's 5:46 pm.

50. Coffee Drinker?
Half teaspoon of coffee with TONS of milk and TONS of sugar. If I were to have any more caffeine I would explode of hyper. I can drink tea, though.

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