Sunday, May 13, 2012

Bye Bye Ponds

(If you know which Doctor Who episode the title is kind of from, you are awesome. If you don't, you are awesome too.)

Okay, I'm posting this here because I think my Facebook friends will kill me if they see another Doctor Who-related status. Yeah, I'm pretty bad with that.

Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill have wrapped up filming Doctor Who. I'm sad. Ish. But I don't think they're finished until we get to see them go. So HA, Ponds, you're not done yet. I just hope neither Amy nor Rory dies...which currently seems very plausible.

(Sorry to any non-Whovians. I had to.)

1 comment:

  1. Noooooooooooo! Rory! Amy! No more of the last centurion? No more of the girl who waited? Irrelevant, but I just realized that Amy is the girl who waited and Rory waited 2000 years for her, so they must be the most goddam patient couple on this side of everywhere.

    Best wishes!
