Sunday, April 22, 2012

Random Rant

Does it ever bother you when you do something not exactly good and then your teacher goes, "When I was a kid at school, I would do [blah, blah, blah]. I wouldn't do [blah, blah, blah]." They use themselves as an example. I really dislike teachers who do this, because they definitely weren't angels all the time. Unless they were WEEPING ANGELS and they're OUT TO GET US! Maybe they're just holograms that hide the Angel behind. I'm going to try not blinking for some time and see if they freeze.

Do you ever get the feeling that you really don't feel like doing something even though you should? I don't feel like going to ballet today BUT we don't have it on Wednesday because of Memorial Day. Here it's a proper memorial day, no picnics or sales or days off. Almost everyone knows someone who was killed in the army. Nobody even says "killed in a war" because there's always a war.

I don't want to go to ballet. Sigh.

Did it ever occur to you that English day names don't make much sense? I mean, what's "Wednesday" got anything to do with anything? In Hebrew the names of days are "first day, second day, third day" and so on. Makes more sense if you ask me.

Okay FINE I'll go get ready for ballet. Sigh.

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