Sunday, January 20, 2013

92 Questions

1:Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed?

Either, I don't really care, although after I've seen something scary? CLOSE THAT DOOR.

2:Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels?

How could I not?

3:Have you ever ‘done it’ in a hotel room?

I should think not.

4:Where is your next vacation?


5:Have you ever stolen a street sign before?

Don't I wish. Alas, no...

6:Who do you think reads these?

Some of my friends. I don't know if they'll read this, I'm doing it as a mode of procrastination on homework.

7:Do you have a calendar in your room?

If extremely severely outdated ones count, yes!

8:Where are you?

In my living room...why, looking to stalk me?

9:What’s your plan for the day?

Seeing as it's practically over, erm...procrastinate, maybe play my new Settlers of Catan, maybe squeeze in some homework.

10:Are you reading any books right now?

Several, as it happens: The Great Gatsby, The Iliad, The Odyssey, and another unpublished one.

11:Do you ever count your steps when you walk?

When the counting starts, it doesn't stop.

12:Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing?

Why is this even a question? Fuck yeah.

13:Do you chew your pens and pencils?


14:What is your “Song of the Week”?

I don't know, maybe "The Ballad of Mona Lisa" by Panic! at the Disco. But it's more of a song-that's-in-my-head-for-each-day.

15:Is it okay for guys to wear pink?

Guys can wear whatever the hell they want.

16:Do you still watch cartoons?

I never watched TV. But when the opportunity arises, OF COURSE!

17:Whats your favorite love movie?

Love movie? I don't seem to have seen I feel like there's one I've seen and loved and I can't remember, if I remember after posting I will put it down under in italics along with the date.

18:What do you drink with dinner?


19:What do you dip Chicken Nuggets in?


20:What is your favorite food/cuisine?

Indian, maybe? French? Italian? Israeli? Eastern European? Oh, I'm bad at this, I'll eat most things.

21:What movies could you watch over and over and still love?

Harry Potter movies, The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers, Thor - yeah, I'm a fandom girl.

22:Last person you hugged/kissed?

My mother. Before that, my girlfriend.

23:Were you ever a boy/girl scout?


24:When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?

Oh, tough...erm...February? Ouch. (Well, I've written letters I didn't send later than that.)

25:Can you change the oil on a car?


26:Ever gotten a speeding ticket?

No, I can't seem suspicious...

27:Run out of gas?

This girl can't drive.

28:Favorite kind of sandwich?

Tomato/mozzarella, BLT, any sandwich with some sort of meat/cold cuts/fish and veggies.

29:Best thing to eat for breakfast?

Safta's toast, a.k.a. grilled cheese to the rest of the world. Yeah, I've eaten it for breakfast. It's the best.

30:What is your usual bedtime?

Weeknights? 10-10:30.

31:Are you lazy?

Yeah. And no. Sometimes?

32:When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?

I dislike this use of past tense. Anyway, up to age 11, I dressed up as a Japanese girl every year, in a kimono. After that, I was a sheet ghost/bedouin (it got suffocating under the sheet so I improvised), an Egyptian princess, Dark (as opposed to light, which was my friend), and Poison Ivy to my girlfriend's Harley Quinn.

33:Do you have any magazine subscriptions?

Proud subscriber of Writer's Digest.

34:Which are better, legos or lincoln logs?

Is this a heated debate? Well, they have their ups and downs, but I would say you could do more with Legos.

35:Are you stubborn?

Not particularly, to my knowledge. Although when it involves learning things, yes.

36:Who is better…Leno or Letterman?

I really wouldn't know.

37:Ever watch soap operas?

I would tell you, but I HAVE AMNESIA!

(No, actually.)

38:Afraid of heights?


39:Sing in the car?


40:Dance in the shower?

I would kick the wall and fall over trying to do a grand battement. So, no.

41:Dance in the car?

As much as you can call swaying your torso from side to side "dancing."

42:Ever used a gun?


43:Do you think musicals are cheesy?

They can be. But I don't really care anyway.

44:Is Christmas stressful?

I don't celebrate it. I celebrate DOCTOR WHO DAY!

45:Ever eat a pierogi?

Yes, I quite liked it.

46:Major annoyance right now?

Homework, as always. Stuff to do and not wanting to do it.

47:Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?

I still do not favor this use of past tense. Drummer, actress, artist, writer, editor, professor/academic, and so many more. Mostly things that have no money in them.

48:Do you believe in ghosts?

Ghosts of times past? Yes. Ghosts of people? Sometimes.

49:Ever have a deja-vu feeling?

Did I not just say I believe in ghosts of times past? Of course I have déjà-vu.

50:Do you take a vitamin daily?

Gummy vitamin C or multivitamins. Because they just taste good.

51:Wear slippers?


52:Wear a bath robe?

Not really.

53:What do you wear to bed?

In the summer, random shorts or pajama pants and a t-shirt, in the winter, button-down, matching top and bottom satin or flannel pajamas. Because I'm cool like that.

54:Wal-Mart, Target or K-Mart?

If I have to choose, Target. But I don't much like department stores. At all.

55:Nike or Adidas?

I wouldn't know, again.

56:Cheetos Or Fritos?

Awkward capitalized "or." Cheetos, maybe?

57:Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?

Sunflower seeds.

58:Ever hear of “gorp”?

Gorp: trail mix. Yeah.

59:Ever taken karate?

No. But I take ballet, and you should never underestimate a ballerina.

(No but seriously, do you want a pointe shoe to the head? Thought not.)

60:Ever kissed someone of the same sex?

I have a girlfriend. I should think so.

61:Can you curl your tongue?

Yes, in various ways.

62:Ever won a spelling bee?

No, but I might.

63:Ever cried because you were so happy?

No. I'm not a crier.

64:Own any record albums?

My parents do, and they play in some of them.

65:Own a record player?


66:Regularly burn incense?


67:Ever been in love?

Yeah, I think.

68:Hot tea or cold tea?

If cold means not steaming but lukewarmish, hot tea. If cold means iced, depends on the season and on the tea.

69:Tea or coffee?

Herbal tea or high-end tea.

70:Favorite kind of cookie?

Sugar/butter cookies with more sugar on top. Mmm...

71:Can you swim well?

Fairly well, I suppose.

72:Can you hold your breath w/o manually holding your nose?

Yeah. Suffocating terrifies me, though.

73:Are you patient?

Yeah, unless there's somewhere I have to be at a certain time and I don't know if I'll get there. Then I freak the fuck out and shout at everyone and am ridiculously impatient.

74:Ever won a contest?

Creative Communications's Fall 2008 Poetry Contest: I got into the Top Ten in the northeast for grades 4-6. Yeah, I'm pretty freakin' proud of that.

75:Ever had plastic surgery?

No, I'm fourteen, thank you very much.

76:Which are better black or green olives?

Canned green > canned black. Non-canned black > non-canned green.

77:Can you knit or crochet?

Si und oui.

78:Wash room or bathroom?

Place where there is a toilet, a sink, and sometimes a shower or bathtub.

79:Do you want to get married?

I don't know yet.

80:Who was your High School Crush?

Loving the use of capitalization here.

81:Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?

No, or not usually, or not anymore.

82:Do you have kids?

No, being a fourteen-year old girl in western society in the 21st century and - just no.

83:Do you want kids?

See question 82.

84:What kind of mom are you?

Honestly! What is this? You seem exceedingly suspicious!

85:Do you miss anyone right now?

I miss my family in Israel, my friends in Israel, some of my old friends here, and my girlfriend. Solid amount of missing.

86:Who do you want to see right now?

Any of the people mentioned above, really.

87:Last person you went out to dinner with?

My girlfriend? I mean, it was a party...otherwise, my mom and my brother.

88:Favorite flower?

Red hibiscus.

89:Places lived?

Boston area, somewhere in France, somewhere in Germany, Tel Aviv.

90:Places you want to live?

New York, in Cambridge again, in Tel Aviv again, London, or Paris.

91:Favorite place?

Not in the world, but libraries and bookstores and universities take the general prize.

92:A memory.

I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II at midnight with my now-girlfriend and her friend, and it was one of the best experiences of my life - I cosplayed as Hermione and there were so many other wonderful cosplayers. The reactions in the theater were glorious. When Ron and Hermione kissed, the cheering went on for two solid minutes, and half the people coming out of the theater at the end were sobbing. It really made me think about how much it all means to us, and how much I love it. Fandoms are wonderful like that.


  1. This is such a cool survey! And I have to say, I really enjoyed reading it! Keep up the procrastination! (Not really but.... yeah...) Okay, well have a great Monday! :)

  2. I read through this entire thing. I think I have a problem... :)

    1. Haha. Well, I can't say I haven't done things like that...
