Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Spring!

I was under the impression that the equinox and the first day of spring were tomorrow, but I guess they're today, so, well, happy spring to everyone! Back in Boston it seems they're really noting the arrival of spring - it's practically summer weather there, and warmer than it is here. That's not supposed to happen!

I'm going to join this with my quote of the week. It's an interesting quote, not necessarily celebrating the arrival of the season, but one which puts forth a thought which has crossed my own mind.
What does winter or autumn or spring or summer know of memory. They know nothing of memory. They know that seasons pass and return. They know that they are seasons. That they are time. And they know how to affirm themselves. And they know how to impose themselves. And they know how to maintain themselves, What does autumn know of summer. What sorrows do seasons have. None hate. None love. They just pass.
  • Giannina Braschi, "Pastoral or the Inquisition of Memories" from Empire of Dreams (1994)
I found it on Wikiquote, which has got to be one of my favorite websites - I am, after all, a quote enthusiast. I have expressed the point it makes before - time is no more than time, unknowing, ever-moving. There is nothing anyone can do to stop it (unless someone can procure a TARDIS, which would actually be amazing). So enjoy your time, use it as you may. And happy spring!

1 comment:

  1. I love would love to say something about the quote, but it's rather late for my brain to function and comment on it. But I will say this! It's really cold here. :( Last week it was in the high 70's to low 80's, which was pretty nice. It's back to 40's - 50's now. Quite the bummer. Sooooo... spring? Not quite springy. :P
